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Thursday, June 21, 2012


My wife and i had decided that we wanted to adopt a Shiba Inu around the beginning of the year. We searched through a few places and did our homework on the breed before finally finding a puppy we liked and contacting a breeder that we thought seemed like a good choice.

We immediately fell in love with our puppy (who we have named Marou) when we saw his picture. 
We decided then that we would have to get him.
All of the arrangements took approximately a month, but on February 27 around 7:30 p.m., we went to the airport to pick up our new best friend.
Scared, Excited, and just plain restless, Marou endured the ride home only to jump out of the car as soon as we arrived at the apartment. A 15-minute game of chase consisting of Josie (my wife) and I chasing an 8-pound puppy around a crowded parking lot. After the commotion ceased, Marou, tuckered out, stopped to relieve himself resulting in his recapture by Josie and I.
We got him back inside with some food and water since he hadn't eaten all day due to his flight from South Dakota. 
After the excitement of the day, Marou was fully tired out and ready for some good old rest and relaxation. Little did he know that there was plenty more to come.

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